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Four Fall Asleep Fast Tips

Adequate sleep is vital to any athlete’s success regardless of their discipline. It is recommended that athletes get at least eight hours of sleep per night so their bodies can properly repair and re-energize for the workouts ahead. Here are four quick tips to get to sleep quicker and stay asleep longer.

1. No Internet or TV: Studies show that people who use hand held devices or watch TV while in bed take an extra 30-60 minutes trying to fall asleep.

2. Cut back on the late-night exercise: People who exercise within 2-3 hours of trying to fall asleep have a much harder time doing so than people who exercise earlier in the day.

3. Dark room: We sleep at night for a reason, it is easier to fall asleep and stay asleep when you are in a dark room. With that said, make sure you have blackout shades over your windows and all light emitting electronic devices off in your room.

4. Avoid simple sugars: Simple sugars go to your bloodstream fast, giving you readily available energy quick. This is not something you want when you are trying to sleep.

Always improve,


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